(605) 440-2039
<< wildfire news
Published: April 14, 2023

Understanding the Recent Surge in Forest Fires

Understanding the Recent Surge in Forest Fires

forest fire

Key Takeaways

  • Multiple Factors Fueling Fires: The surge in forest fires is influenced by various factors ranging from changing climate patterns, accumulated dry vegetation, and mountain pine beetle infestations to human activities. As these fires take a toll, they also lead to broader economic, environmental, and societal implications, emphasizing the urgent need for proactive forest management.
  • Holistic Forest Management is Essential: Addressing the forest fire crisis requires a comprehensive approach. At PFMc, our strategies extend beyond just fire suppression. We emphasize wildfire mitigation, beetle infestation prevention, strategic tree thinning, and overall sustainable forestry and grassland management to ensure a healthier ecosystem.
  • Partnership for a Resilient Future: By joining hands with Professional Forest Management, stakeholders are not only making a decision to protect against the immediate threat of fires but are also investing in the long-term health, diversity, and resilience of our forests and grasslands. It's a commitment to a safer and more sustainable future for our precious ecosystems.

In recent years, the rise in the number and intensity of forest fires has become an alarming concern. Across the Western United States, vast stretches of pristine forests and grasslands have fallen prey to raging wildfires. While the immediate destruction is evident, the underlying causes and factors contributing to this surge in forest fires are multifaceted. Here's an in-depth look at why we're seeing more forest fires and how our expertise at Professional Forest Management (PFMc) offers a timely and effective solution.

Changing Climate Patterns

The global shift in climate patterns has led to prolonged droughts and drier conditions in many parts of the Western U.S. These arid conditions make forests and grasslands more susceptible to fires. Warming temperatures lead to faster snowmelt, resulting in drier terrains earlier in the fire season.

Accumulation of Dry Vegetation

Natural small-scale fires play a role in forest ecology by clearing out underbrush and dead vegetation. However, years of aggressive firefighting have sometimes prevented these smaller fires, leading to an accumulation of dry vegetation. This build-up serves as ready fuel for larger, more destructive fires.

Mountain Pine Beetle Infestations

The mountain pine beetle is a significant threat to our forests. These beetles bore into pine trees, causing them to die and turn into dry, combustible material. Infested trees increase the potential intensity and spread of forest fires.

Human Activities

While natural factors are significant, human activities can't be overlooked. Accidental fires caused by campfires, discarded cigarettes, or burning debris play a considerable role in the rise of forest fires. Additionally, expanding human settlements into forested areas (known as the wildland-urban interface) increases the likelihood of human-caused fires and complicates firefighting efforts.

The Broader Implications of Rising Forest Fires

As we grapple with the increasing frequency of forest fires, it's vital to delve into the broader implications. Forests act as the planet's lungs, absorbing carbon dioxide, offering habitats to countless species, and providing livelihoods for millions. When they succumb to wildfires, the repercussions echo far beyond the immediate devastation.

  • Economic Impact: Timber loss, land value degradation, and firefighting efforts strain regional economies. Communities, especially those reliant on forestry and tourism, face setbacks.
  • Environmental Consequences: Landscapes charred by fires are more susceptible to erosion, impacting the water quality of adjacent rivers and streams. Wildlife habitat loss can also push many species closer to urban environments, resulting in increased human-wildlife encounters.
  • Air Quality Deterioration: Fires release enormous quantities of carbon dioxide and particulate matter, degrading air quality. This poses health threats, especially to vulnerable groups like children, the elderly, and those with respiratory conditions.
  • Community Displacement: The advancing fires sometimes necessitate evacuations of entire towns. The ensuing trauma, coupled with the loss of homes and life disruptions, stands as a profound yet often overlooked cost of these disasters.

Our Role at Professional Forest Management (PFMc)

Given these challenges, a proactive, comprehensive approach to forest management is imperative. This is where we at PFMc, come into the picture.


  1. Wildfire Mitigation and Prevention: We strategize to reduce the risk of wildfires by understanding the nuances of different forest terrains. This includes controlled burns, creating firebreaks, and informing communities about safe practices.


  1. Suppression and Litigation: Should a fire break out, our expertise ensures swift containment, minimizing damage. For stakeholders impacted by forest fires, we provide consultation on litigation, aiming for the best possible outcomes.


  1. Mountain Pine Beetle Mitigation & Prevention: Recognizing the threat posed by the mountain pine beetle, we've developed specialized strategies to manage and prevent their infestations, safeguarding the health of our forests and reducing the fire risks.


  1. Tree Thinning and Slash Disposal: By thinning out forest areas strategically and safely disposing of slash, we create healthier forest ecosystems. This approach not only reduces potential fire fuel but also promotes a diverse and resilient forest structure.
  2. Applied Forestry and Grasslands Management: Beyond immediate threats, we are deeply committed to the overall health and sustainability of forests and grasslands. By applying the best practices in forestry management, we ensure these crucial ecosystems remain thriving and resilient against future threats.

Learn More About the Problem Solvers

While the rise in forest fires is a pressing concern, solutions are within reach. Through our expertise and dedication at PFMc, we envision a future where forests aren't just safeguarded from fires but are also vibrant, resilient ecosystems. For landowners, stakeholders, and communities, partnering with us ensures the best choices for our treasured forests and grasslands' health and safety.

As of 2023, Professional Forrest Management has won our clients over one billion dollars in damages. If you would like to become our next success and receive the compensation you deserve, you can email to [email protected] or call us at (605) 440-2039 for a free consultation with one of our experts and we'll ensure justice is rightfully served.

(605) 440-2039
1294 S. Skyline Ct. Pueblo, CO 81007
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